Thicker Than Blood Page 11
I frown. “This might be stating the obvious, but why not just take him out?”
“Because, Adrian, The Order is a scalpel, not a sledgehammer.”
“Ha! You could’ve fooled me. You’re, like, the most indiscreet secretive organization ever.”
He smiles humorlessly. “Only when necessary. Killing Schultz would have an adverse effect on this country, especially so soon after the last president’s demise.” He pauses to stare accusingly at me. “A subtler method is needed this time, and the way we intend doing that is to install someone in Mr. Winters’ position who we can control.”
“What for?” asks Josh.
“Because it serves our greater purpose.”
“Which is…?”
“None of your concern. I’ve humored the pair of you long enough. It’s time to do what Horizon should’ve done days ago. This entire building is being evacuated as we speak.”
Josh frowns. “What for?”
Sterling smiles that type of smug smile people use when they know things you don’t. “Because not everybody who works here belongs to The Order. We’re not monsters. We run legitimate enterprises all over the world. It’s the perfect cover. So, the people who aren’t involved in this are being asked to leave.”
I scoff. “There you go again, being as subtle as a tank…”
“Hardly. To them, and any casual observers who might see, it will simply look like a fire drill.” He checks his watch. “However, entering the building right about now is a unit of our top assassins, who are under very strict and simple instructions to come to this office, and kill both of you.”
I do my best to ignore that for the moment and simply shrug. “So, why not tell us about your greater purpose? C’mon… I’m curious. What’s all this about? What did I get dragged into?”
He stares at me for a moment. “The Order exists to do the bidding of the man who created us and will lead us toward a better future.”
“The head of your Committee?”
“No, Adrian. Even the leader of our great organization answers to someone.”
He smiles. “Why, God, of course.”
10:16 PDT
Josh shakes his head. “You’re kidding me, right? You’re saying God is running The Order of Sabbah? Are you out of your freaking minds?”
Sterling nods patiently. “The Order was created in His name, to carry out His will.”
He turns to me. “Can you believe this shit?”
I think about it for a moment. “Actually, yeah.”
Josh frowns. “Huh?”
Even Sterling looks surprised.
“Yeah, I mean, it’s hardly the first time in history a group of people have killed in the name of religion, is it? I guess I’m a little disappointed, though. The Order has existed as nothing less than legend to people like me for years. When Horizon revealed himself to me a couple of months ago, I admit there was a part of me that felt excited about the prospect of working for you. What assassin wouldn’t be, right? But to find out you’re nothing more than a group of religious fanatics with a big bank balance… that’s kinda sad.”
Sterling jumps to his feet. “We are not fanatics!”
I emphasize the gun in my hand by stepping toward the desk, leaning over slightly, and placing the barrel against his chest. “Touched a nerve, did I? Sit the fuck down.” He hesitates, but takes his seat once more, although I note he isn’t sitting quite as comfortably as he was a moment ago. I step back again and lower the gun. “This is where you start talking, asshole. By all accounts, I’m dead anyway, so I have no qualms about killing you before I check out. It’s not as if I have anything to lose…”
He waves his hand dismissively. “Threaten me all you want. I’m prepared to die for my beliefs.”
I smile and walk around the desk. He spins in his seat, following me, a bemused expression on his face. I stop in front of him, place the gun against the top of his kneecap, and look him right in the eye. “See, the thing with assholes like you, is that you’re very quick to say you’ll die for your cause. Now, you might be one of those people who actually is prepared to, and if that’s the case, good for you. But the thing is there’s a big difference between dying… and suffering.” He swallows as I press the barrel harder against his leg. “See, dying is easy. It’s fast, and you don’t even know you’ve done it. But suffering… that can go on a while, man. And it hurts. A lot. Are you prepared to suffer for your beliefs, too?”
His breathing has grown notably quicker in the last few moments. He’s gripping the arms of his chair tightly, so his knuckles lose some of their color. He’s sweating. He’s afraid. “No, please, I… I’ll tell you whatever you want.”
I smile. “I figured. The pricks who run the show tend to be the most cowardly. Now, what does God have to do with anything?”
He sighs, relaxing a little, but still tense, as my gun’s still pressing into his leg. “The church has shaped mankind’s destiny for centuries. The Knights Templar began this mission, and as generations past, they evolved, and The Order was born. We have adapted throughout the years, learning to seamlessly blend in with society, to carry on the church’s true mission.”
I raise an eyebrow. “Which is?”
“The betterment of mankind. We understand that people don’t always know what’s best for them.”
“And I suppose you do?”
“Yes, we do. We determine the best course of action for the greater good, no matter the cost. We use our positions, and our influence, to make the tough choices no one else wants to make. We’re not bound by politics or diplomacy. We act on the word of God, and you, you… heathen, are not going to stop us.”
I frown. “Heathen? Oh, right… The Adrian Hell thing, I see. I must admit, listening to your religious babbling has made me question why you would bring someone like me into the fold in the first place. I’m not exactly a poster boy for clouds and halos.”
“As I said, no matter the cost.”
“You’re delusional.”
“And very soon, you’ll be sent straight to Hell!”
I smile. “Been there, bought the T-shirt. Besides, you say that like it’s a bad thing. If the man supposedly running Heaven needs to hire people like me to do his dirty work, how bad can Hell be?”
Sterling shakes his head. “You’re missing the point. We’re doing this for the righteous. So all the people on God’s earth can live free from tyranny.”
“From other people’s tyranny, you mean? They’ll still be living under yours, whether they know it or not.”
“There is a responsibility to guide those people, yes, and that’s The Order’s burden to bear.”
“Okay, you gotta stop, man. The stench of your bullshit is killing me.”
“I understand you’re not a believer, and that’s okay, but please don’t insult me because I am.”
I frown. “I’m not insulting you because of your beliefs—people should be free to believe whatever they want, so long as they don’t force it on the rest of us. No, I’m insulting you because you’re full of shit. You say you want what’s best for people, and yet you go around killing whoever you choose in order to achieve it. You can’t have it both ways.”
He smirks. “Says the assassin…”
“Yeah, who you recruited to kill for your cause. I’m under no illusions about what I am and I accepted it a long time ago. But I don’t go around saying I’m fighting for the good of mankind.”
“So, why do you kill, Adrian? What’s your cause?”
“I don’t have one. I just think I have a duty to use my exceptional talents to help rid the world of bad people. For a modest fee, of course.”
“Then you’re no different than us. Not really. Such a shame you can’t commit to what we’re fighting for.”
“See? There you go again with your bullshit. You’re not fighting for anything except more power. You certainly don’t care about the masses, or the good of mankind
. You say you’re doing God’s work, yet you kill for your own gain. How is that something He would want?”
He shifts in his seat again as his expression hardens. “Look, as much as I could sit here discussing morality with you all day, I have things to do. And you… both of you, are done. If you go quietly, you’ll be disposed of quickly and mercifully. That’s the best you can hope for right now.”
I turn to Josh. “How are we looking?”
He nods. “Door’s secure enough for now. No sign of anyone yet.”
“Good.” I look back at Sterling. “I’m going to put an end to The Order, once and for all. That’s a promise.”
Sterling chuckles. “You have no hope against us. We’re too big for anyone to overcome. That’s why we’ve existed for so long, and will continue to exist long after the three of us are gone.”
He’s getting some of his confidence back, despite me still pressing the gun to his leg. His breathing has slowed. Why is he…?
I close my eyes.
Shit, shit, shit!
Adrian, you’re an idiot.
I know.
You got so caught up arguing with him, trying to get information out of him, you didn’t realize he was keeping you busy, buying himself time so his minions can show up and save him.
I know.
He needs to be afraid of you, Adrian. He needs to understand he’s going to lose. He needs to understand what The Order is up against.
I know.
I open my eyes again, and fix him with the dark, emotionless gaze I’ve spent years perfecting. Intimidation starts with the eyes. You don’t need weapons, you need a cold, dead stare that shows, beyond any doubt that all humanity has gone. That instills fear in whoever you look at. That tells people you’re the worst kind of evil there is.
I lean close. “You say all this is in God’s name… Well, here’s a quote from his biography: Never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, vengeance is mine, I will repay.” I pause for a moment, letting the words sink in. Letting the meaning of them register in his mind. “D’you know why people call me Adrian Hell? It’s because the one time I fought for a cause, I swept through my enemies like a biblical plague, and what I left in my wake was unholy. So, you can summon whoever you want to protect you, because it isn’t going to do you any good. I’m telling you right now, asshole, Lucifer himself ain’t got shit on me.”
I squeeze the trigger, and the room is filled with the sound of his screams.
10:34 PDT
The bullet drove down through the top of his patella on an angle, eviscerating flesh and bone with frightening ease. With his leg bent from sitting, it continued its deadly journey, plowing through the top of his calf muscle, and exiting below his kneecap. Consequently, the shot obliterated the top of his shin, and nearly severed his leg in half.
He’s clutching desperately at the wound, forcing his screams through firmly-gritted teeth, and a locked jaw. I take a step back. I must admit, I wasn’t prepared for how much blood there would be. I’m impressed with the shot—I must remember it for future use. It all but destroyed his leg, beyond any chance of repair.
That’ll teach him.
I hold the gun out toward Josh. “Here, take this.”
He steps over and does so without question. He’ll argue most decisions I make, but he knows better than to say anything when I’m working.
I move behind Sterling, clamp my hand over his mouth, and force his head back against his chair. “Now, listen to me, ass-clown. I’m guessing we don’t have much time, so I’m gonna need you to do two things. First, I want you to tell me how The Order works. Who decides what happens, how the message gets to all the Horizons in the world, and most importantly, where I can find all the other pricks like you. Second, I want you to open that safe. I’m guessing there’s some shit in there I might find interesting. Do those things for me, maybe you get to just suffer for your cause, instead of dying for it, too.”
I remove my hand and spin his chair around so he’s facing me. His eyes are glazing a little, which I’m guessing is due to the pain he’s experiencing, and the blood loss. He’s fighting it though, with an impressive stubbornness. He glares up at me, his jaw still clenched. “Why should I? You’re just going to kill me anyway, aren’t you?”
I shrug. “Honestly? I haven’t decided yet. It depends how helpful you are, but at this moment in time, my offer stands. Help me and maybe you see tomorrow.”
“You don’t scare me, Adrian. You can’t even fathom how important I am. I’m far more than just a CEO.”
I nod. “So you keep saying. But here’s what I know. Nothing happens in The Order without the say-so of your little Committee. So, for Horizon to approach me, he must have had your approval, which means you must know exactly who I am, and what I’m capable of. You only recruit the best, right? With that in mind, I think this stubborn, high-and-mighty act is just that—an act. I think you’re shitting your pants, because you can see all that power you had slipping away. No more secret handshakes, no more influence, no more money… It’s all going to come tumbling down around you. Because of me. Now, if you’re as smart as you say you are, you’ll tell me what I want to know, and maybe save your own ass.”
He shakes his head rapidly, as if in denial. He forces his chair around, grimacing from the effort, and looks over at Josh, who is leaning against the door, peering through the window beside it, holding the gun ready to shoot if necessary. “You… you can’t be a part of this. Look at who you are. If you get out of here, and people found out you were involved in something like this, it would destroy GlobaTech’s reputation!”
Josh smiles. “Maybe. But the problem you have is that we’re here with the president’s blessing. We’ve already begun to expose you. You’re losing, and you don’t even know it, dipshit.”
Sterling’s eyes grow wide with panic and he seems momentarily distracted from the agony he’s in. He looks back at me. “I… I don’t understand. Surely, if the president learned you were still alive, he would have you executed again? If the public found out, there would be an outcry.”
I smile. “Given half a chance, I think he still might. But we told him everything, and he knows us well enough to listen to us when we tell him something’s important. We get enough evidence on The Order to prove you all exist, he puts the full weight of the U.S. Government behind trying to expose you. Saves me the job of hunting you all down.”
He shakes his head. “You won’t find anything. No one knows everything, only the head of the Committee, and you won’t get to him.”
“Oh yeah? And why’s that?”
“Because he’s too well protected.”
I shrug. “So was the last president, but it didn’t stop me then…”
“No one can touch him. No one even sees him. Hell, I don’t know where he is. Myself and the other three members of the Committee meet in person, but the Head always video-conferences in.”
“But you know who he is, right?”
He nods.
“So, tell me that, and let me worry about finding him.”
“Fine. Okay. I’ll… I’ll tell you what I know. But you have to promise not to kill me. You have to protect me.”
I nod. “I’ll do what I can, so long as the information’s good. How this plays out for you is in your hands now, Grant.”
He lets out a long, heavy sigh. He opens his mouth to speak, but the only sound I hear is a muted crack. A split-second later, his head explodes, vanishing in a thick, crimson cloud, which sprays itself across the ceiling above him. A chunk of what looks like his mandible bone lands on the desk. It’s as if someone just smashed a watermelon open with a sledgehammer.
Both myself and Josh jump with shock. Sterling’s body slumps sideways, resting awkwardly against the arm of his chair.
“Jesus fucking Christ!” yells J
osh. “What did you do?”
I feel my eyes bulge with shock. “Me? I didn’t do anything! I’m good, but I can’t make people do that!”
He shakes his head. “Shit, they can see us. Adrian, The Order has eyes on us right now. They must do.”
I drop to the floor on instinct, and scurry around the desk, trying to keep out of sight of the windows. He crouches, alternating his gaze between the windows behind me, and the one next to the door. I look down at my T-shirt and jacket. I’m covered with Sterling’s blood.
Josh slams his fist against the floor. “Damn it! We were this close to getting something out of him. To getting an advantage.”
I nod. “Yeah, close enough that The Order chose to detonate the chip inside one of their leader’s necks.”
“And now we’re back to square one.” He lets out a heavy sigh. “Adrian, we need to think about trying to get out of here. If what Sterling said was right, we’re about to have a very bad day.”
I think for a moment. Josh seems to be more bothered about this than me, which is strange. Maybe, on some subconscious level, I kind of expected it to go this way. A combination of experience dealing with The Order and my own shitty luck. But, for once, I’m being the positive one.
I look over to my left, at the safe. “We’re not done yet.”
I crawl over, and kneel up in front of it, resting back on my haunches. These things aren’t my area of expertise, but I recognize the biometric lock on it, which is opened by placing your thumb against the small scanning pad just above the handle.
I look back across at Josh, gesturing to the safe. “If we can open this, we might get lucky and find something that would make this trip worthwhile.”
He seems uncharacteristically hesitant. “Maybe, but we’ll only have one chance at opening it. I’m familiar with that type of lock, because we manufacture something similar. It has a security failsafe, which seals the entire safe permanently if you don’t get it right first time, rendering it useless. You can still crack it, but you need a seriously big drill, and about six hours. It’s pretty high-end stuff.”