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Page 19

  Ichiro thoughtfully strokes his thin, gray beard, staring absently ahead. I exchange a glance with Ruby in the silence, smiling weakly. She returns the gesture. It was part mutual reassurance, part recognition of mutual exhaustion.

  “So, what’s your plan, Shinigami ?” he asks, finally.

  “I don’t know yet… but I know I don’t wanna go up that fucking skyscraper.”

  “Really?” Ruby raises an eyebrow. “Why?”

  I stare at the floor as the memories of Chicago and San Francisco and Dubai run through my mind like a demented slideshow.

  “Because nothing good ever comes from me trying to reach the top of tall buildings,” I say with a humorless smile.

  Ruby gets to her feet and begins pacing a slow circle around the sofa. She traces a hand over the tops of the cushions as she passes behind it.

  “So, let me get this straight. You go through Hell at the hands of your enemy. You risk your own long-term health and well-being mounting a frankly ludicrous crusade of revenge, convincing me and anyone else who will listen that it’s necessary in the process. We go through all that and finally get some intel that will allow us to end all this if we’re smart, and now you turn around and say, ‘Actually, I don’t want to do this because I’m scared of heights.’” She stops and faces me, crossing her arms over her chest. “Are you fucking serious?”

  I push myself upright and square to her, putting my hands in my pockets. “First of all… I forgot you knew about my fear of heights. Secondly, it’s not about that anyway. Thirdly, yes, I’m fucking serious, Ruby. Me and you taking on a building full of Yakuza is a stupid plan.”

  She gestures wildly at me, her eyes wide with anger and frustration. “No fucking shit! But so was going into that tattoo parlor half-cocked. So was strolling into a nightclub we knew would have an unknown number of Yakuza inside, on a slim chance the guy we wanted would be in there. This whole thing has been a stupid plan! You should be in the hospital right now, you stubborn lunatic.”

  Huh. Been a while since someone gave me a real dressing down. Josh used to do it all the time, when the situation arose for me to have my head extracted from my ass, but since he died, I’ve not really had anyone to put me straight. Ruby has, to an extent, but never like this.

  I can see her point too. I understand I might be coming across as a little hypocritical, having dragged her through the trenches this far, only to stop and start thinking like she’s been telling me to all along.

  And honestly, yes—that skyscraper does change things a bit. I wouldn’t want to go in there if I was a hundred percent. I certainly don’t want to attempt it in my current state. There are limits to the screw the world approach to problem-solving, even for me.

  I might not want to admit it, but I’m struggling. Getting to Ko wiped me out, to the point where a hospital sounds like a really good idea right about now. But I know I can’t sit this one out. I know I don’t have time to rest. The enemy is ruthless, relentless, and vastly outnumbers the two of us. We have to keep going. If we stop now, we die.

  That being said, I will concede that, so far, the way I’ve gone about things… while entertaining and successful… might not have been the most efficient. I’m paying the price for it now, and that’s on me. But it doesn’t change the fact I need to adjust my approach, which means thinking instead of shooting.

  Ha! It’s only taken you how long to figure this out?

  Shut up, Josh.

  “You’re right,” I say to her. “I should be in the hospital. The way we’ve done things so far has worked, but it’s slowly killing me. I can’t do it anymore. Kazawa isn’t going to stop. Especially if Miley’s whispering in his ear. But this fight is getting beyond me. I need another way of winning.”

  Ruby sighs, shrugging her shoulders and letting her arms fall to her sides in the process. She shuffles across the room and takes my hand in hers.

  “I’m sorry. I know this must be difficult for you, especially after everything you’ve endured so far. I’ll always stand beside you, Adrian. You know that. I just… I dunno—I just have a bad feeling about this, and I don’t want this fight to be your last.”

  I place my hand gently on the back of her head and pull her into me, wrapping my arms around her shoulders. I feel hers snake around my waist. I kiss the top of her head.

  “You’ve known me long enough to know I’ll find a way to finish this,” I say, trying to reassure her. “And thanks to you, I’m nowhere near as stupid as I look anymore.”

  We part and exchange a smile.

  Ichiro clears his throat. “If I may…”

  Ruby steps away and turns so that we’re both facing him.

  “You are both among best in business,” he continues. “That is not in doubt. But even best of us need help sometimes. And you, Shinigami , sometimes forget you are not one-man army. You have powerful friends. Ask them for assistance.”

  I frown. “Who do you mean?”

  He points to the black bag, still resting on the coffee table, surrounded by its contents. “Global Tech.”

  I smile faintly. He can never say their name correctly.

  “I think they’ve done enough already, Ichi. Besides, like Buchanan said himself, GlobaTech can’t be seen getting involved in shit like this. They are who they are, and they have responsibilities that go along with that. They can’t just start fighting Yakuza for no reason. They have shareholders to answer to. And a President. And NATO.”

  Ichiro shrugs. “Then give them a reason.”

  My eyes narrow. “I don’t follow…”

  Ruby places a hand on my arm. “He might be onto something. Maybe make the call, ask for help. If he’s reluctant, dangle a carrot for him.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like… the only thing better than having Adrian Hell owe you one is having him owe you two.”

  She smiles. I smile back and take out my cell. I stare at it a moment, realizing I don’t have his number. Then I call Josh’s old office number and hope for the best.




  Ruby looks at me quizzically. I move the phone away from my face.

  “I’m being transferred now.”

  A moment later, the line clicks through.

  “Hello, Adrian,” says Buchanan.

  He doesn’t sound surprised to be speaking to me, but his tone is firm and professional.

  “Sorry to call at this hour, Moses,” I reply.

  “This hour? It’s a little after noon.”

  “Oh. Right. Time difference. Well, it’s four a.m. here, and believe me, I’m really sorry I’m awake.”

  He chuckles. “Fair enough. Everything okay?”

  “Yeah. Your intel paid off. Thank you. We tracked down a guy we were looking for anyway, and he told us where Kazawa is hiding out.”

  “Uh-huh. Was this guy at the… Octopus Bar, by any chance?”

  I frown. “Yeah, how did you know?”


  “Ah. Yeah… sorry about that.”

  “No need to apologize, Adrian. It’s nothing to do with me.”

  “True. Although while we’re on the subject, I could use your help.”

  “The guns not enough?”

  I notice a slight edge in his voice, but I ignore it.

  “The guns worked just fine. The problem I have is I’ve found Kazawa, and I can’t get to him. I was hoping you could lend a hand?”

  Buchanan sighs heavily down the line. “Adrian, as I said to you in the hospital, GlobaTech can’t get involved in the personal disputes of an assassin. We have a good relationship with the Japanese government. I’m not going to jeopardize that by sending in my troops to clean up your mess.”

  I pace away from Ruby, moving slowly back and forth by the elevator doors.

  “I’m not asking you to clean up anything. I just need a little assist.”

  “Adrian, I—”

  “The only thing better than having me owe you one is having
me owe you two.”

  There’s silence on the line. I glance back at Ruby and shrug in response to her questioning expression.

  “What do you need?” he asks after a few moments.

  “Well, this prick is holed up at the top of a skyscraper with the girl who tortured me online. Whole lot of real estate between him and the street, filled with guns. I could use a hand with the… logistics, I guess.”

  “I see. And, in return, you owe me… two favors, right?”

  “That’s right.”

  More silence.

  Man, this guy likes his dramatic pauses. No way Josh taught him that. You couldn’t shut him up.



  “Okay,” replies Moses. “An operative will be airborne within the hour. He should be with you by nineteen-hundred on your clock.”

  “Wow, really? Thanks, Buchanan. I appreciate it.”

  “No problem. It’s only because I fully understand your value. Just… don’t make me regret it. This company has spent enough time on CNN over the years.”

  I chuckle. “Don’t worry. If I make it onto TV again, it’s more likely to be Cinemax.”

  I hang up and pocket the phone.

  “Well?” asks Ruby impatiently.

  I nod to Ichiro. “Good call, my friend. A GlobaTech asset will be with us this evening.”

  He smiles but remains silent.

  “That’s great,” says Ruby. “So, now what?”

  I stretch as much as my body will allow and crack my neck. “Well, I don’t know about you, but it’s been a long night. I’m going to bed. Ichi, feel free to grab a sofa.”

  He places his palms together and nods a quiet thank you.

  I head for the stairs. Ruby follows. We both stand on the first step and look at each other, grinning like kids who didn’t get caught. Her hand slides into mine. Our fingers interlock.

  “Are you really tired?” she whispers.

  “I reckon I could stay awake a little while longer,” I reply.

  We ascend the stairs, heading for the nearest bed, which happens to be hers. Behind me, I swear I hear Ichiro laughing to himself.

  We’d best keep the noise down.

  19:42 JST

  I’m sitting beside Ruby on the sofa facing the TV, with an open laptop on the table in front of us. We all slept most of the day, waking a couple of hours ago. We grabbed a bite, showered and changed, then started working on a plan—although we’re mostly drawing blanks.

  Ichiro is standing over by the window, looking out at Tokyo as it gradually lights up with the artificial pulse of its nightlife. The sky has already darkened—a combination of time and poor weather. Rain batters the side of the building relentlessly, sticking to the glass and distorting the view.

  He hasn’t said much since we slept. I feel bad putting him in this position. He’s spent years cultivating a new reputation, positioning himself as respected and untouchable to all Yakuza families. But I’ve needed to drag him into this because he’s the only friend I’ve got in the city with a practical knowledge of what I’m up against.

  “When’s this GlobaTech asset meant to be getting here?” asks Ruby after a sigh of impatience.

  “Buchanan said seven p.m. our time,” I reply, nodding at the clock on the wall above the TV. “So, they’re late.”

  Ichiro paces across the room toward us, his hands clasped behind his back. Whenever he moves, it’s like he glides. He’s silent, like a shadow. He stops in front of us and drops on the spot, landing cross-legged on the floor.

  “Adrian… is this worth it?” he asks.

  He must be serious. He didn’t call me Shinigami .

  I raise an eyebrow. “How do you mean?”

  “Going to war with Kazawa over a girl. Is it worth it? Really.”

  “Ichi, you make it sound like some conflict of the heart out of Romeo and Juliet. This isn’t about Miley. Well… it is, but that’s not why I’m going after Kazawa, and you know that.”

  He shrugs. “I just think… you two… you have money, you have skills. Honestly, neither of you want to be found, you won’t be. This is a fight you perhaps cannot win. What is American saying?”

  He glances to the side, his eyes narrowing as he tries to recall something.

  “Ah, yes!” he exclaims. “Is the juice worth the squeeze?”

  I smile. That’s a good saying.

  I feel Ruby turn in her seat to face me. I look over at her. She smiles at me. It’s a smile that says, you know I’ve got your back, but he has a point…

  I take a deep, painful breath.

  “You know it is, my friend. I’m sorry to bring you into this, but I don’t have a choice. She blames me for her mother’s death, and despite the fact I saved her from the men that kidnapped her as a kid, she’s spent the last five years training to kill me. A nineteen-year-old tracked me halfway across the world, made connections with a Yakuza family, and executed a plan—almost to perfection—to kill me in front of everyone. Can you honestly sit there and tell me you don’t think she’ll pursue me wherever I go?”

  He shakes his head but remains silent.

  “Exactly. And it’s not just me. It’s Ruby too. What kind of life would we have? Besides… you’re not the only one with a reputation on the line, Ichi. I might be beaten up and semi-retired, but I’m still Adrian Hell. I start running now, how long before other people start giving chase, huh? I’m a nice guy, but I’ve made a lot of enemies over the years. Enemies who are too afraid and too smart to come looking for retribution. But I let a fucking kid take me down… you think they won’t smell blood in the water?”

  I feel Ruby’s hand on my leg. She squeezes it gently. I place my hand on top of it and run my thumb gently over the back.

  “For the last time, you guys, we have to fight. It won’t be easy. Hell, it’s borderline-impossible, I know that. But we gotta do it. I have to stop Miley, and if that means taking out Kazawa and his entire operation in the process, then goddammit, that’s what we’re gonna do. Okay?”

  Before he can reply, the elevator whirrs and rumbles into life, beginning its descent to the first floor.

  Ruby and I exchange a look and spring to our feet. Well, she does. I ease myself up off the sofa, making that low groaning noise everyone’s grandpa makes to help him get out of a chair.

  Without a word, we move with purpose, grabbing a weapon and taking up position facing the elevator doors. I stand directly in front of them, a Raptor in my left hand, held low and loose, ready for action. Ruby is behind the kitchen counter, aiming my other Raptor with unwavering skill at the doors. Ichiro is off to the side by the TV, the shotgun from Buchanan’s gift bag held by his hip, ready to cut whoever steps out in half.

  “I thought this elevator was private?” says Ruby.

  “It’s supposed to be,” I reply.

  “Then how come everybody without a key seems to be able to use it?”

  I glance over at Ichiro, who simply shrugs.

  “What? I am special.”

  I roll my eyes, then nod to the display above the doors as it counts steadily upward. “Not that special, apparently.”

  “This could just be Buchanan’s asset,” observes Ruby.

  “Yeah, maybe,” I say. “But if it is, wouldn’t they just buzz up?”

  “Good point.”

  The elevator is halfway back up to our apartment. Whoever it is will be here any minute. Miley knows where I live. Christ, she’s slept in my bed! It’s not crazy to think they might have sent some men over here, like a warning shot across the bow or something.

  Two floors to go.

  One floor.

  The elevator dings and the doors slide open.

  The man inside is wearing jeans and a zip-up hooded sweater. He has a backpack slung over one shoulder. His eyes meet mine. They pop wide as he notices my gun. His arms shoot up, palms facing me.

  “Whoa!” he yells. He edges slowly out of the elevator. He sees Ruby first. Then Ichiro. “Jesus, Adri
an! Helluva welcoming committee ya got here.”

  I lower my gun and smile.


  I step toward him and extend my hand, which he shakes tentatively, keeping a trained eye on the other guns in the room. I nod to Ichiro and look over my shoulder at Ruby.

  “It’s okay, he’s a friend.”

  Ichiro lowers the shotgun. Ruby appears beside me a moment later.

  “Is this the GlobaTech asset?” asks Ruby. “Do you know him?”

  “I do, actually.” I move to stand beside him. “Ruby, Ichiro… meet Ray Collins.”


  19:58 JST

  The four of us stand in a loose circle around the coffee table, each holding a near-empty bottle of beer. After briefly explaining who Ichiro and Ruby were to Collins, he had asked for a drink, saying the flight was long and he needed something to keep him awake.

  And here we are.

  “Damn… this is good beer, buddy,” says Collins, taking a grateful swig.

  “Asahi,” I reply, smiling. “It’s the only thing worth drinking here.”

  “Amen to that.”

  Ruby sighs. “Okay, so who are you, exactly? You know us, but… why send you?”

  Collins looks at me. “Does she know about… y’know… Belarus?”

  I nod. “She does.”

  He turns to her, his grin lighting up his face. “Listen, sweetheart, I’m the best GlobaTech has, okay? You should be lucky to have me here.”

  “Oh, no…” I mutter. I hang my head and begin massaging the bridge of my nose between my finger and thumb.

  Ruby puts her beer down hard on the table and takes a step toward him.

  “No, you listen, dipshit. I don’t trust people I don’t know.” She points to me, then to Ichiro. “I trust these two without question. But just because you were Adrian’s chauffeur for an hour a couple of years ago, doesn’t mean you get a free pass with me. Are we clear?”

  Collins holds his hands up playfully but takes a very serious step back. “Hey, whoa… okay, darlin’. Okay.”

  “And another thing… call me ‘sweetheart’ or ‘darling’ one more time, I’ll kick you in your balls so hard, they’ll come flying out of your ears. Comprende ?”