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Page 23

  The four of us exchange looks of confusion. I look out at the ever-growing battlefield and notice both Kazawa’s men and the cops look just as bewildered as we do by the new arrivals.

  Whoever they are, they’re definitely not with Kazawa.

  So, who the hell are they?


  21:19 JST

  Every door of every black car suddenly opens with impressive synchronicity. The combined sound of twenty-four locks being released in unison is loud and impressive. Men and women emerge, dressed in matching suits—black jacket and pants with a white shirt and black tie. The mechanical rustle of machinery can be heard over the noise of the rain as they produce and ready their weapons.

  Oh, shit.

  The four of us have literally got our backs against the wall. There’s no way out from here. If these newcomers open fire, we’re done for. I just hope they—

  The shuffling and splashing of boots on wet ground interrupts my train of thought as everyone in front of me takes aim…




  …at Kazawa’s men and the cops!


  I exchange a sideways glance with Ruby, sharing the same expression of relief and confusion.

  “What’s happening?” she hisses.

  “I have no idea…” I reply.

  Then someone else steps out of the back of one of the cars. I hadn’t realized only twenty-three people had appeared.

  The last man out is Akuma Oji.

  He emerges slowly. Deliberately. Like he has all the time in the world. He looks around casually. Not one of Kazawa’s men, or the cops, move an inch. I’m pretty sure they’re all holding their breath, stunned by the new arrival.

  Oji looks over at me, then glances at my companions. He gives me the slightest of nods.


  Fuck me.

  I turn to Collins. “Logic prevails.”

  He shrugs back. “Who knew?”

  I walk over to greet him, ignoring for a moment the warzone in front of me.

  “I didn’t expect to see you again,” I say to him.

  Oji holds my gaze. It’s the best poker face I’ve seen in a long time. “Likewise.”

  I raise an eyebrow. “So, not wishing to sound ungrateful or anything, but why exactly are you here?”

  He sighs. Not heavily but enough to express his reluctance.

  “You’re not forgiven for killing Santo. That’s something we will address at a later date, and there will be a blood debt for you to pay. But what you said to me this morning made sense.” He gestures to Kazawa’s skyscraper with a sweeping, yet subtle gesture of his hand. “Tetsuo is a cancer to our way of life. He needs to go, but I was avoiding a direct war with him. It took the counsel of a wise, old friend to remind me that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. At least… temporarily.”

  I smile to myself and look over my shoulder at Ichiro. He’s smiling back at me.

  That sneaky sonofabitch.

  “Well, Kazawa’s gonna love this,” I mutter, turning back to Oji and taking out the cell phone again. I re-dial the last number and place it to my ear. I look into his dark, emotionless eyes. “You wanna say hi?”

  He shakes his head slowly, a small smile betraying his stoic expression.

  “Want to know why your men haven’t started shooting yet?” I ask Kazawa when he answers. He doesn’t respond. “Can you even see the street from all the way up there?”

  “I can see fine,” he replies quietly.

  “Outstanding. That means you can see all these black cars that have just arrived, right? There are some people here who would argue your claim as the most powerful family. Care to guess who?”

  More silence.




  “Fuck you,” he says finally.

  I laugh, exaggerating it to provoke him. “Yeah… you know. Bit more interesting now, huh? Your men and his men will kill each other. And the police… well, I wouldn’t bet money on any of your cops opening fire on your behalf now. I think it’s a safe bet that at least half of them are on Akuma’s payroll too. So, you know what this means, don’t you?”

  There’s a pause.

  “Enlighten me.”

  “It means you and Miley better put some coffee on, because I’m coming for both of your asses.”

  Kazawa’s frustrations are so loud, he can be heard as I Frisbee the phone toward his building, not caring to hang up first.

  “You are an infuriatingly effective man,” says Oji. “Do you know that?”

  I smile at him. “Thanks.”

  “Not really a compliment.”

  I shrug. “Yeah, but I’ll take it.”

  There’s movement across the street, which distracts me. I direct my attention to the steps and the lobby of the skyscraper. Kazawa’s men have begun shuffling among themselves, exchanging glances and generally looking twitchier than they did a moment ago.

  I’ve got a bad feeling about this.

  There’s an all-encompassing silence surrounding us, somewhat eerie in its totality. Beside me, Oji takes a deep breath, swelling his chest and standing to his full height, no doubt keen to show his own people he fears nothing about the situation.

  On either side, the cops stand still and ready. The ones I’m close enough to see don’t have their fingers inside the trigger guards of their weapons, so they’re clearly in no rush to involve themselves, as I suspected.

  The tension in the air is palpable. No one wants to make the first move. I assume Kazawa’s given the order for his men to engage, but the fact they haven’t yet highlights the influence Oji has on the proceedings.

  Everyone here is on a hair trigger. The slightest nudge will start the dominoes falling, then this whole place will turn into a battlefield. I need to get to Kazawa, but I have to let this play out first. I can’t kill him if I’m dead.




  A single gunshot echoes around the deserted streets.

  The sound trails off in slow motion. I hold my breath. I can feel everyone around me do the same.

  Then one of Oji’s men at the front of the group drops to one knee before slowly falling forward, landing face-down on the ground.

  The first casualty of battle.

  The atmosphere begins to sizzle with electricity.

  Oji screams, fierce and disciplined.

  Bullets start to crack and rattle, seemingly in all directions.

  I turn and sprint toward Ichiro’s car, gesturing wildly at my friends.

  “Get down!”

  I slide over the hood and land in a crouch behind it. Ruby, Collins, and Ichiro dash around to join me as the bullets fly relentlessly. Dull, hollow thunks sound out as the car is peppered with ammunition. Even the bricks of the wall behind us splinter from the impacts of poorly aimed shots.

  All four of us ready our weapons and take aim, resting on the car while trying to remain covered behind it.

  I look at each of my friends in turn and shout, “We’re all professionals, so for the love of God, whatever you do, don’t shoot Akuma’s people by mistake.”

  “Your pep talks suck,” replies Collins.

  I shrug. “That’s all I got. Sorry.”

  With measured, professional shots, we all begin firing back, trying to pick off as many of Kazawa’s men as we can from back here. Visibility is poor because of the weather, and there’s so much going on, it’s hard to focus. Still, I manage to drop a few over to the right of the mob occupying the opposite side of the intersection.

  “Reloading!” yells Ruby as she ducks back behind the car.

  I join her, quickly slamming two fresh mags into my Raptors before resuming my position, leaning on the roof of the car. I notice Akuma Oji himself is crouching behind an open car door, returning fire. Impressive. Kazawa could learn a thing or two, if he wasn’t locked in his penthouse suite with his shitting pants on.

  The cops on
either side still haven’t moved or fired a single shot. Hard to know which ones are in Kazawa’s pocket, which belong to Akuma, and which are genuinely police officers here to stop a turf war.

  A few of Akuma’s men are down. A decent number of Kazawa’s men are too, but our combined forces are barely making a dent in the small army guarding the entrance to the building.

  I look over at Collins, my expression firm and frustrated.

  “This ain’t gonna work, is it?” I say rhetorically.

  He shrugs. “Christ knows, matey. I’ve seen stranger things, but I wouldn’t put money on it, if I’m honest.”

  I nod slowly. “Shit.”

  I turn to Ruby and Ichiro, who have both ducked back into cover. Their gaze is laser-focused on absolutely nothing, and their breathing is rapid. They’re taking a moment to manage their adrenaline. I’ve seen it a thousand times before.

  Ruby glances at me. Her eyes narrow, then her brow arches. A silent question, demanding to know what the hell we’re doing here.

  I wish I had an answer for her.

  I wish—

  What the hell is that?

  I stand slowly, keeping hidden enough behind the car that I won’t get shot, and scan the chaotic scene before me. The cops are all getting back inside their cars. There’s shouting among themselves. Engines are turning over. Lights are flicking on, bathing no man’s land in a fluorescent spotlight.


  But that’s not what made me look around. There was something else. A sound I didn’t expect. A sound that’s out of place here. But I can’t find the source of it with everything that’s going on.




  I finally turn my gaze skyward.

  Through the low, thick gray cloud, I see the undercarriage lights of a helicopter moving slowly away from the roof of the skyscraper. Pinpricks of light edge out, forcing their way through the evening gloom.

  Sonofabitch! I turn to Collins. “The piece of shit’s running!”

  He frowns before following my gaze upward. “Ya gotta be kiddin’ me!”

  I remain transfixed on the sky. I can’t believe, after all this, he’s taking off again. I don’t understand it. I’m all for picking your spot, but he and Miley have had multiple opportunities to try and finish the job in the last few days, and yet… nothing.

  I actually feel disappointed. I can’t believe he’s fleeing like a little bitch.




  Except he isn’t.

  The lights of the chopper are getting bigger and brighter. It’s descending.

  I quickly analyze the significance of that in my head. I ask a hundred questions all at once. I try to understand why he would come down here in a chopper instead of flying away to guaranteed safety.

  There’s only one reason that makes sense.

  I wish I was wrong, but I know I’m not.

  This is about to get very bad.

  I look over at Ruby. “We need to move right now!”

  Ichiro hears me and looks around. “Why?”

  “We’ve got incoming!”

  The two of them gaze to the sky as the full shape of the chopper comes into focus. It’s a standard civilian helicopter. You could probably get four people in the back. It’s jet-black, sleek, and smooth. The noise of the twin blades drowns out everything else going on around us. It’s descending fast. The draft swirls litter and water all around.

  Kazawa’s and Oji’s men alike stop shooting to shield themselves against the fresh onslaught of elements. The cops are making a hasty retreat—J-turning and accelerating away from the gunfight with haste.

  The four of us stand, weapons held to our sides, staring with unavoidable awe at the chopper. It’s now hovering directly overhead, low enough I can see through the windows. One pilot up front. Two passengers in the back.

  No prizes for guessing who.

  It swings around so that it’s side-on. The rear door is thrust open. Kazawa rests one foot out on the ledge and produces a light machine gun. A cylindrical, multi-barreled weapon that resembles a fucking cannon.

  Instincts take over, replacing everything else I could possibly think about in this exact moment—pain, fear, concern, anger… none of it matters now.

  My body starts moving before I get chance to tell it to.


  As a unit, we dash to the left, around the hood of the car and over to the far side of the intersection. The same moment that we clear the alley, the seamless, high-pitched roar of LMG fire rips through the night. I don’t look behind me. I already know the initial burst would’ve torn through Ichiro’s car like wildfire through a dry forest.

  With everyone following my lead, I rush for the left side of the entrance to the skyscraper—my thinking being to put Kazawa’s men between us and his chopper in the hope he won’t mow down his own employees.

  The blood-red stream of gunfire sweeps across the intersection, cutting off the path in front of me. I dive instinctively away from it, landing hard on the ground before letting my momentum roll me away behind a parked car. I sit against the rear wheel, holding both guns up, the barrels no more than an inch from my face. A quick look to my left reveals Ruby and Collins did the same thing and are now hidden behind the next car along.

  Where’s Ichiro?


  I risk a peek around the truck, glancing out across the street. There’s no sign of him. The chopper has positioned itself above the middle of the intersection, forcing Akuma’s men low behind their own vehicles. What I can see of Kazawa’s people have regrouped at the edge of the steps and are simply aiming at either us or Akuma.

  I survey the area again. Where the hell has he—

  I see him!

  He must have doubled back because he’s knelt behind one of Akuma’s cars, close to the alley where we started but a little to the right of it. Our eyes meet, and he nods, signaling he’s okay.

  I lean back behind the car and close my eyes, allowing myself a brief moment of reprieve and relief.

  Okay. Fuck this.

  I pop up from behind the car and empty both Raptors toward the chopper. As best I can, I aim my left hand at the cockpit and my right hand at the rear door. Sparks fly as my bullets ping off the blades and the bodywork, ultimately causing nothing but superficial damage. Still, it bought us a few seconds. The pilot banks away as both hammers thump down on empty chambers.

  “Go!” I shout over to Ruby and Collins.

  They jump to their feet, weapons raised, and sprint past me, toward the west side of the skyscraper. They duck down again behind one of the large planter boxes that border the stairs there. Kazawa’s men open fire at the movement, but Akuma’s men do the same, quickly subduing them.

  I start sprinting right, back over to Ichiro. I need him to—


  I bring both arms up around my head in a futile gesture as a fresh burst of gunfire slices across the ground in front of me. I stumble away from the intersection and find myself behind the car Collins and Ruby just left. The whirring of the LMG is relentless, and the stream of bullets cuts effortlessly into the bodywork of this car. It won’t offer me much cover for long.

  I go to reload but realize I only have one magazine left. I holster one of the Raptors and reload the other, quickly racking the slide back to chamber a round.

  The firing stops, and I instantly look round to reassess. Kazawa’s ducked back inside the chopper. He must be out of bullets. As the chopper begins to climb, I see Miley appear, holding the handle of the open door as she leans forward. She points at me and makes a gesture of firing a gun with her hand before slamming the door shut. The chopper continues to rise, peeling away from the scene.

  As the noise of the chopper fades, gunfire rings out once more as Kazawa’s men resume firing at Akuma’s. I scramble to my feet and sprint back over to Ichiro, blind-firing a few rounds to deter anyone from aiming at me. I slide behi
nd what’s left of his car, placing a hand on the wet, gravelly road to stop myself beside him.

  “You okay?” I ask.

  He nods. “Yes, Shinigami . Do not worry. I simply could not run as fast as you youngsters.”

  I smile. “Been a while since anyone called me young.”

  “I meant the other two. You… you are old. But you also crazy, which is why you keep going.”

  I go to reply but decide against it, instead choosing to smile at the fair point.

  After a moment, I say, “Ruby and Collins are over to the left. You stay here and help Akuma’s men.”

  He frowns. “What you are going to do?”

  “I’m gonna follow that chopper. There’s no way I’m letting either of them get away.”

  “On your own? Adrian, that is insane… even for you! You don’t know where they’re going. Or how many people will be there when they arrive. Let them go. Focus on this fight. It is far from over and could deal significant blow to their numbers.”

  I shake my head. “No way, Ichi. I’m done letting them dictate the terms of this. They come at me and the people I care about, then turn tail and run, choosing to hide until they decide to come at me again. And I’m supposed to… what, exactly? Just sit back and give them chance after chance to finish me? No. This ends tonight. One way or the fucking other.”

  Without giving him chance to reply, I get to my feet. I keep low as I move along the fleet of black cars until I reach Akuma. I kneel beside him.

  “I need a car,” I say.

  He looks at me with no obvious expression. No surprise. No anger. No objections.

  He nods and moves away from the car we’re crouching behind, gesturing me inside the open door.

  “You kill that bastard, and your debt to me is cleared,” he says.

  I nod. “Easiest debt I ever paid. Thank you.”

  I dive across the seats and shuffle into position behind the wheel. Outside, Akuma slams the door shut before moving out of sight, presumably to join one of his men behind another car.

  I start the engine, yank it into gear, and accelerate away, taking the two o’clock exit past the right side of the skyscraper. I lean forward, looking up through the windshield, searching the night sky for the lights of the chopper. I soon see them, parallel to me, just ahead.